Daup Airport (DAF)
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Small airport
FAA Code
Time ZonePacific/Port_Moresby (GMT +10:00)
Daup Airport Reviews (2)
Photo & Revised Text, Daup, Papua New Guinea
This airstrip is at the base of an active 6,000′ high volcano. The problem, though, is on the approach, with a 300′ high conical hill with half its side missing. This creates such severe turbulence when the NW wind exceeds 10 knots that the windsock can turn 360 degrees within seconds. Literally! (PNG AIP cautions about turbulence and downdraughts). The airstrip also suffers from run-off after heavy rain. When landing, put your wheels on the upslope to assist in braking.
Since I wrote the entry above, some 13 years ago, this airstrip has been swallowed up by the jungle and the 300′ high conical hill with half its side missing has also been eroded by torrential tropical downpours.